All posts by synergy

The Smart Move to Make After The Equifax Breach

With the angry glare of the public eye squarely focused on Equifax after announcing a massive breach and blamed it on a computer server flaw other companies had fixed months before, the company is waiving fees on credit freezes. Which is good news because it’s the only thing that’s going to save your bacon.

The company had previously offered victims a free year of credit report monitoring — but customers and advocates were quick to point out that this wouldn’t actually stop anyone’s identity from getting exploited from the data heist affecting nearly 143 million Americans. Hackers would still be able to open up new credit cards and go on spending sprees, apply for other loans or mortgages, and leave you holding the bag for the debt or the bad name.


Source :

10 Traits of Successful People

Those who enjoy success, financial or otherwise, have a different perspective to the rest of us. They do not tolerate people who do not support their success, people who are not on their team. They take the long term view, often forgoing short term benefits, like holidays, for long term achievements, the result of hard work. They never stop learning and are not afraid to ask for help and are willing to make mistakes and take responsibility for them.

They could come from any background but these qualities make them successful over time.

1. They Are Driven
They obsessively pursue their goals achievement by achievement, iteration by iteration until they are in no doubt that their goal has been achieved. They do not have time to watch TV and all the simulations it hypnotizes people with. They are driving energy into their financial success.

2. They Sacrifice Present Comfort for Future Success
Often wealthy people started with low income and made space in their finances for some investment, whether in their education, financial instruments, property or some other asset that will add value over time. To make that space they often forgo the attractions of the latest fancy car or restaurant dinner.

3. They Are Self Confident
Self Confidence means never playing the victim, recognizing, instead, that attributing negative emotions to the actions of others disempowers them. Victims blame others for their circumstances and so they place all their power with others. Successful people realise that their power lies within them and that they must act to make changes. People who experience business success will always have to be tough in taking criticism and rejection, and you have to be self confident to do that.

4. They Limit Debt
Debt is a thorny issue. It is hard in the modern business environment to avoid debt, but expensive, unproductive debt is a millstone around the neck. Credit cards, over droughts, car loans, house loans, all these are profoundly unproductive and expensive. The value of what is bought with the money often depreciates, sometimes immediately after you’ve bought it, and the interest is expensive. Financially successful people will only borrow money to invest in assets that will yield a return in the future and in this way the cost of credit will pay for itself.

5. They Take Responsibility for Their Circumstances
Business success is dependent upon accepting that there will be bumps in the road, obstacles in the stream and difficult people in their lives. Financially successful people know that to blame others for the circumstances they find themselves in, especially bad circumstances, is self defeating, placing the power to effect change on others. Even if circumstances are difficult, there are always options. Taking responsibility opens them up to those options.

6. Long Term Perspective
The long term is the future, where we all end up. Planning for the long term future will help you make stable investment and business decisions. We have all heard of lottery winners whose wealth evaporates before them with nothing to show for it afterwards. This is the result of spending for the short term. Money invested with the long term in mind will generate wealth over time.

7. They Give Value
The essence of what people want from their wealth is value. Those who give value can expect to receive wealth in return for that value. Those who consistently give value can consistently expect to receive money in return, whether it is a business making a product or a craftsman plying his or her trade or an employee doing the best job possible.

8. They Know Education Is An Investment
Education can take the form of an expensive course or simply reading a book, listening to an audio book in the car on the way to work or asking for advice from a trusted source. Either way knowledge is the product and knowledge allows you to learn from others so that you can take the shortcuts and not make as many mistakes as if you did not have the knowledge. It’s simple really.

9. They Are Goal Oriented
There are those who, in their jobs, are only willing to do just enough to avoid being fired and they spend their lives veering from one dead end job to another. Financially successful people are goal oriented and pursue that goal with all the energy they can muster, and if that means working extra hours or travelling or getting advice from a mentor then they will do that to achieve the goal.

10. They Are Passionate
Their drive to achieve success is fueled by passion, the excitement, fulfillment and intensity of self actualization. The passionate pursue success not merely for themselves but for the service of all.

Financially successful people are driven to succeed by their passionate desire to provide service to the world. They do this by offering value, going the extra mile where it is never crowded. They take the long term view, avoiding debt and they constantly update their knowledge with education.


HUD Announces New Reverse Mortgage Rules

The House of Representatives could soon consider a bill that would bring several changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s “Know Before You Owe mortgage disclosure rule”, also known as the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule or TRID.

The new bill is called the “TRID Improvement Act of 2017,” and has yet to be officially introduced into the House, but the bill was discussed on Capitol Hill on Thursday during a meeting of the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee.

The bill is sponsored by Rep. French Hill, R-Arkansas.

According to the Republican arm of the House Financial Services Committee, the TRID Improvement Act of 2017 would amend the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and the Truth in Lending Act to expand the time period granted to a creditor to cure a good-faith violation on a loan estimate or closing disclosure from 60 to 210 days.

The bill would also amend RESPA to “allow for the calculation of a simultaneous issue discount when disclosing title insurance premiums.”

Additional details about the bill can be seen in a discussion draft of the bill that was posted Thursday to the House Financial Services Committee’s website. Click here to read the discussion draft in full.

The bill’s proposed changes come just over a month before the CFPB’s finalized updates to TRID rule officially take effect on Oct. 10, 2017.

The Federal Register published the rule last month, marking the 60-day period until the amendments take effect.

The bureau released the updates back in July, answering industry calls asked for greater clarity and certainty on the controversial rule.

For much more on the history of TRID, click here.

During the hearing, the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee also discussed a number of other bills, including the “Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act of 2017.”

That bill, which is set to be formally introduced by Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-New York, would amends the Truth in Lending Act to direct the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to “exempt from certain escrow or impound requirements a loan secured by a first lien on a consumer’s principal dwelling if the loan is held by a creditor with assets of $50 billion or less.”

The bill would also require the CFPB to provide certain exemptions to the mortgage loan servicing and escrow account administration requirements of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act for servicers of 30,000 or fewer mortgages.

“The legislation discussed in the Subcommittee today will better allow financial companies to serve their customers,” Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Missouri. “From banks and credit unions to attorneys, we’ve seen an impeded ability for businesses across the nation to offer financial services and guidance. In order to preserve consumer choice and financial independence, Congress must tackle regulatory reform and simplify rules. The policies outlined in today’s legislation start to break down those barriers.”

Source :

Pending TRID Changes Are on the Way

The House of Representatives could soon consider a bill that would bring several changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s “Know Before You Owe mortgage disclosure rule”, also known as the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule or TRID.

The new bill is called the “TRID Improvement Act of 2017,” and has yet to be officially introduced into the House, but the bill was discussed on Capitol Hill on Thursday during a meeting of the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee.

The bill is sponsored by Rep. French Hill, R-Arkansas.

According to the Republican arm of the House Financial Services Committee, the TRID Improvement Act of 2017 would amend the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and the Truth in Lending Act to expand the time period granted to a creditor to cure a good-faith violation on a loan estimate or closing disclosure from 60 to 210 days.

The bill would also amend RESPA to “allow for the calculation of a simultaneous issue discount when disclosing title insurance premiums.”

Additional details about the bill can be seen in a discussion draft of the bill that was posted Thursday to the House Financial Services Committee’s website. Click here to read the discussion draft in full.

The bill’s proposed changes come just over a month before the CFPB’s finalized updates to TRID rule officially take effect on Oct. 10, 2017.

The Federal Register published the rule last month, marking the 60-day period until the amendments take effect.

The bureau released the updates back in July, answering industry calls asked for greater clarity and certainty on the controversial rule.

For much more on the history of TRID, click here.

During the hearing, the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee also discussed a number of other bills, including the “Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act of 2017.”

That bill, which is set to be formally introduced by Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-New York, would amends the Truth in Lending Act to direct the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to “exempt from certain escrow or impound requirements a loan secured by a first lien on a consumer’s principal dwelling if the loan is held by a creditor with assets of $50 billion or less.”

The bill would also require the CFPB to provide certain exemptions to the mortgage loan servicing and escrow account administration requirements of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act for servicers of 30,000 or fewer mortgages.

“The legislation discussed in the Subcommittee today will better allow financial companies to serve their customers,” Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Missouri. “From banks and credit unions to attorneys, we’ve seen an impeded ability for businesses across the nation to offer financial services and guidance. In order to preserve consumer choice and financial independence, Congress must tackle regulatory reform and simplify rules. The policies outlined in today’s legislation start to break down those barriers.”



What are the Compliance Risks With Electronic Documents ?

By Rachael Sokolowski

In the satirical 1980s film Risky Business, a Chicago teen’s parents leave him home alone while they go on vacation. The result is a series of unintended mishaps, involving prostitution and a pop-up brothel, high speed chases and a waterlogged Porsche, stolen furniture and a crack in his mother’s prized Steuben glass egg. Joel, the teenager, manages to restore the house to order, including the Steuben egg on the mantle, just as his parents walk in. Although Joel’s mother notices a crack in the glass egg, she does not ask how the crack happened or why there is a crack. She only asks how Joel could have let the crack happened and simply expresses her disappointment.

With its humorous depiction of how one simple decision can set off a series of catastrophic events, the movie Risky Business may have some bearing in the mortgage industry in the way electronic mortgage documents and data are handled. All may appear to be fine at the end of the process, but there could be a series of unintended issues along the way which may contribute to a less than perfect conclusion. For starters, there is a disconnect between the representation of the data in the document and the electronic data used by mortgage technology systems. Throughout the life of the loan, from origination, closing, servicing, and securitization, the document and the data from the document operate in parallel universes, much like Joel and his parents.

In today’s mortgage processing of paper documents, there is a reliance on humans, instead of technology, to determine inconsistencies. With paper, the only way to automate the processing of the information on the documents is to extract the data and this is typically performed after closing. The extraction may be done in one of two ways. In one method, a person manually keys the information on a document into a system. To reduce the error rate and to improve accuracy, two or three different people enter the data and the inputs are cross-checked against each other for inconsistencies. The accuracy rate varies between 98 and 99 percent for this type of manual keying.

A second approach is to automatically recognize text and numbers on the paper document. Automatic recognition involves utilizing technology, such as optical character recognition (OCR) and business rules about the document, to determine the letters and numbers. OCR systems, just as counterpart systems for voice recognition, make mistakes and are not 100 percent accurate. To have confidence in the quality of the data, regardless of whether it is input by hand or by technology, a certain amount of human intervention is required to audit inconsistencies, to perform exception processing and to control data quality.

Regardless of the method, after extraction, there must be a check for inconsistencies. If the data representing the loan amount was extracted incorrectly, this will have major consequences for the downstream systems processing the loan. Eyes must compare the two sets of information to assure a match. This process is commonly referred to in the industry as “stare-and-compare.” A person stares at the paper document or an image of the paper document and compares it with the data in the system. There is always a human involved in the final stage of the extraction process for a quality review of the data. But, it is not fiscally feasible to have a person to perform this check on every document in every mortgage loan. This creates the possibility for inconsistency in those loans that are not subjected to a compliance check.

This whole process from data extraction to stare-and-compare may happen more than once. It may occur in the loan origination system (LOS) and/or the lender’s system and/or the servicing system and/or the loan delivery system for the investor and/or whatever technology touches the mortgage. Each time data is re-entered into a system, there is a risk of error and inconsistencies. Paper will never be eliminated in the mortgage process or at least not in our lifetimes. But where in the process should these parallel universes be checked to determine that they are in sync? Before closing or after closing? And which entity in the entire loan process should be responsible for the verification of the data on the document and the data used by mortgage systems?

It is time to ask why this disconnect exists and whether this is causing operational and compliance issues for the industry. There are operational and technological solutions to reduce the risks. There is no need for these parallel universes.

The only way to eliminate the need to stare-and-compare is to capture the loan information once, and to minimize the reliance on paper documentation. Processing documents in this way is the premise of an electronic Mortgage, or eMortgage, and is often referred to as “lights-out” processing. In the early 2000s, the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO) with support from the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), developed a standard representation for eMortgage documents called the SMART document. The MISMO specification carries the data of the document in a standardized format with a direct link to the visual presentation in a single, self-contained electronic document. It is possible to automatically verify that the data provided for machine consumption matches the information presented to humans. The SMART document is currently in use today for the electronic promissory note document and only for that one document.

A SMART document eNote eliminates the need for stare-and-compare. So, why not use this electronic specification for all loan documents? In the case of the promissory note document, there are special considerations since the document is a negotiable instrument. The promissory note is as good as cash and there needs to be an assurance that the document has not been tampered with—such as the loan amount changing after the document was signed. It is also important to know who is the holder or possessor of the electronic document. Since it is easy to make copies of and/or change an electronic document, the industry agreed to designate a registry to identify the “authoritative copy” or the electronic equivalent of the paper original and to ensure the electronic document had not changed in any way after the last borrower signed the document. Since 2004, the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems “eRegistry” provides this information. The GSEs have defined delivery requirements for accepting electronic promissory notes and MISMO defines the eMortgage as “A mortgage loan where the closing documents—through an eClosing process that includes, at a minimum, the Promissory Note—are created, accessed, presented, executed, transferred, and stored electronically.”

This definition narrows what can be described as an eMortgage. Only loans with an electronic promissory note document qualify. And despite this legal and technical infrastructure for electronic mortgages, the number of eMortgages remains static at around one percent of all mortgages. Why is this?

The issue is the age of the SMART document specification that the GSEs require for delivery. This version was developed in the early 2000s. The industry has been slow to upgrade the SMART document specification to accommodate all loan documents, including the eNote, by using the updated MISMO Version 3 SMART document specification. With this version, there is a single reference model for all data about a loan throughout its lifecycle as well as all the data necessary for mortgage documents. The reference model also includes metadata information (such as the type of document), audit trails, and the ability to add information about document signers and signatures. Version 3 holds much promise for the industry to be widely used for all mortgage documents in the future as any mortgage document can be represented in the MISMO standard. However, there is a risk that the industry is mimicking the paper processes and will still rely on stare-and-compare for detecting inconsistencies. Why is this when a technology solution exists that does not require human intervention?

The MISMO eMortgage workgroup has developed different types of electronic documents to meet varying requirements. Four types of SMART documents are defined: Basic, Retrievable, Tamper Evident and Verifiable and these are known as document profiles. The profiles build on each other and become more extensive, from Basic to Verifiable much like a set of nesting Russian Matryoshka dolls. The most rudimentary one is the Basic profile. It contains the minimal amount of information wrapped up in a SMART Doc structure that includes the view (most typically a PDF), the document’s type (e.g., promissory note, closing disclosure, loan estimate, etc.), and, if the document is signed, information related to signatures. The intent of this profile is for electronic documents where the data is not used in the loan processing. An example would be the mortgage servicing disclosure. The Retrievable profile adds MISMO standard data to what is defined in the Basic profile and uses PDF/A for the view of the electronic document. PDF is an open International Standard Organization (ISO) standard and PDF/A guarantees future presentation of the electronic document despite technology changes and provides a mechanism to prevent changes to the document. The retrievable profile is used when the document data’s needs to be carried with the PDF image. There is no linkage between the data and the PDF for automatic processing to verify that the data matches the viewable representation of the document.

The GSEs have defined an industry dataset and electronic document format to support the closing disclosure forms, called the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD). It uses the data and requirements for MISMO Version 3 SMART documents in the Retrievable profile. By requiring the use of the SMART document, the closing disclosure’s data is delivered along with electronic representation of the document. But one problem remains since there is no way to systematically check that the data in the UCD dataset matches what the borrower viewed before signing at the closing table. This disconnect introduces the potential for inconsistencies and furthers the reliance on stare-and-compare. This risk increases when the data comes from different sources which is very common for the closing disclosure.

And now, what is next for the eNote? The eNote needs a higher level of security that the electronic document has not been altered. The MISMO SMART document Tamper Evident profile requires an audit trail of events and a final digital signature for evidence of tampering. This digital signature is used for identification on the MERS eRegistry. This is necessary for the eNote. There must be confidence that the document and its data, such as the loan amount, have not changed since the borrower signed at the closing table. Is the Tamper Evident profile sufficient for the eNote? At present the GSEs believe so. But just like the closing disclosure, the possibility exists that the data does not match the PDF and, again, furthers the reliance on stare-and-compare after closing.

A solution for this situation exists in the Verifiable Profile. It includes all the features of the Tamper Evident profile plus links between the MISMO data and the information presented in the viewable image of the document. This provides a systematic and automated way to validate that the two match. The Verifiable Profile matches what is in place today for eNotes. The GSEs are currently not requiring this profile. For the eNote, the possibility exists that the data does not match the PDF. There is a risk here.

At some point in the process, a check that the data matches the document needs to occur. But where? And how? There are currently two different approaches: automated or manual. With an automated approach, the validation is pushed to the beginning of the loan process. The check that the data matches the document is an automated validation that can occur at any point in the loan process including before closing, during closing and after closing. Manually checking the data and documents is performed by humans after closing has occurred and only on a random set of documents. But is this operationally the right point for this check? Would it not make more sense to perform this check before closing? Or include technological solutions that do not require human intervention for inconsistencies such as those that were implemented years ago for the eNote?

Right now, it is unclear when the validation should occur and who should do it. The assurance that the data matches the document is performed in redundant and costly systems and processes that do not always have a technological mechanism to communicate with each other. There are impacts to staff and costs. What happens in the future when the technology provider of the eNote is no longer in business and there are errors in the data used to service and securitize the loan? Which entity will be responsible?

Technology should be used to remove mundane and labor intensive tasks. Technology should be leveraged to overcome the operational difficulties that arise when data is generated from different sources. But that is not the case for the closing disclosure or for eNotes as a MISMO Version 3 SMART document. Instead, the industry is relying on decades old processes for verification of information from paper documents. This is risk-e business, with a potential crack in the system.

Rachael Sokolowski, president of Magnolia Technologies LLC, is a recognized leader and technology evangelist in the mortgage banking industry. She can be reached at


Housing Bubble 2.0 – Hottest Markets For Flipping

ATTOM Data Solutions today released its Q2 2017 U.S. Home Flipping Report which reveals that residential home flippers, the same speculative crew that nearly blew up the entire global financial system in 2008, are now making more money than ever.  In fact, in 2Q the average flipped house generated gross profits of $67,516 which is well above the $60,000 peak previously set back in 2005.

The report also shows an average gross flipping profit of $67,516 for homes flipped in the second quarter,representing a 48.4 percent return on investment (ROI) for flippers — down from 49.0 percent in the previous quarter and down from 49.6 percent in Q2 2016 to the lowest level since Q3 2015. After peaking at 51.1 percent in Q3 2016, average gross flipping ROI nationwide has decreased for three consecutive quarters.

“Home flippers are employing a number of strategies to give them an edge in the increasingly competitive environment where flipping yields are being compressed,” said Daren Blomquist, senior vice president at ATTOM Data Solutions. “Many flippers are gravitating toward lower-priced areas where discounted purchases are more readily available — often due to foreclosure or some other type of distress. Many of those lower-priced areas also have strong rental markets, giving flippers a consistent pipeline of demand from buy-and-hold investors looking for turnkey rentals.

“In markets where distressed discounts have largely dried up, flippers are showing more willingness to leverage financing when acquiring properties, often purchasing closer to full market value and then relying more heavily on price appreciation to fuel their flipping profits,” Blomquist added.

So where are flippers earning the highest returns these days?  Attom says that lower cost states like Pennsylvania, Louisiana and Ohio seem offer the most attractive returns while cities in the flipping paradise of California are only managing to generate lackluster mid-20% returns on their investment.

Homes flipped in Pennsylvania yielded the highest average gross flipping ROI nationwide in Q2 2017 (103.1 percent), followed by Louisiana (100.0 percent), Ohio (88.9 percent), New Jersey (81.7 percent), and the District of Columbia (81.2 percent).

Among 101 metropolitan statistical areas analyzed in the report, those with the highest average gross flipping ROI were Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (146.6 percent); Baton Rouge, Louisiana (120.3 percent); Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (114.0 percent); Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (103.3 percent); and Cleveland, Ohio (101.8 percent).

Metro areas with the lowest average gross flipping returns in Q2 2017 were Honolulu, Hawaii (17.8 percent); Boise, Idaho (23.5 percent); Austin, Texas (26.0 percent); San Jose, California (27.0 percent); and San Francisco, California (27.1 percent).

Of course, capital tends to follow out-sized returns which is presumable why 1 in 4 homes sold in the following zip codes are now flowing through speculative flippers.


Meanwhile, here are the other markets around the country where flipping is also heating up.

Counter to the national trend, 54 metropolitan statistical areas — 53 percent of the 101 metro areas analyzed in the report — posted a year-over-year increase in home flipping rates in the second quarter, led by Baton Rouge, Louisiana (up 72 percent); Rochester, New York (up 39 percent); Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, Alabama (up 29 percent); New York (up 24 percent); and Modesto, California (up 24 percent).

Other markets where the Q2 2017 home flipping rate increased at least 10 percent from a year ago included Birmingham, Alabama (up 22 percent); Grand Rapids, Michigan (up 20 percent); Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas (up 13 percent); Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (up 12 percent); St. Louis (up 11 percent); Providence, Rhode Island (up 11 percent); and Cincinnati, Ohio (up 10 percent).

All that said, flipping isn’t always easy in every market.  Take Denver, for example, where real estate investor Paul Schemmel said it became so difficult to flip houses at a profit that he had to ‘evolve’ his business strategy…so now he just pays full price for existing homes, bulldozes them and builds brand new mcmansions.  Genius plan, if we understand it correctly.

“I’ve constantly evolved to make money in the Denver market,” said Schemmel, who said he has flipped hundreds of homes since 2008 but was finding it harder to compete in the conventional home flipping arena. “Why don’t I just buy at full price, scrape the lot and build a new house. … And then I started making money again. I don’t even rehab any more. I demolish and I build a new home. … I can pay full price for a property, but my competition cannot.”

Of course, you should not worry at all that flipped homes are increasingly being financed with mortgages…

More than 35 percent of homes flipped in Q2 2017 were purchased by the flipper with financing, up from 33.2 percent in the previous quarter and up from 32.3 percent a year ago to the highest level since Q3 2008 — a nearly nine-year high.

The estimated total dollar volume of financing for homes flipped in the second quarter was $4.4 billion, up from $3.9 billion in the previous quarter and up from $3.4 billion a year ago to the highest level since Q3 2007 — a nearly 10-year high.

Among 101 metropolitan statistical areas analyzed in the report, those with the highest percentage of Q2 2017 home flips purchased with financing by the flipper were Colorado Springs, Colorado (68.4 percent); Denver, Colorado (56.1 percent); Boston, Massachusetts (53.3 percent); Providence, Rhode Island (51.7 percent); and San Diego, California (49.0 percent).

“Across California the gross dollar profits available for property flips remains one of the highest in the country; however low market inventories, increases in home prices, and decreasing home affordability have decreased the number of opportunities available to secure prospective properties to invest,” said Michael Mahon, president at First Team Real Estate, covering the Southern California housing market.


Mortgage Regulation Deadlines Are Coming

The compliance efforts of the mortgage industry are ongoing. The CFPB has finalized, or is in the process of finalizing, updates to mortgage-related regulations, including the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule (“TRID” or the Know Before You Owe Rule) and Regulation C, which implements the requirements of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Accordingly, industry is continuing its efforts in complying with the updated rules.
Recent and pending updates include:
TRID Updates: The CFPB published its updates to the TRID Rules in July 2017. Among other changes, the updates include tolerance provisions for the total of payments that parallel the tolerances for the finance charge and disclosures affected by the finance charge. The updates also include clarifications for disclosing construction loans and codification of guidance CFPB had previously provided orally or via webinar. The mandatory compliance date is October 1, 2018, but industry has the option to comply with the updates on a rolling basis leading up to the compliance date.
TRID “Black Hole” Proposal: The CFPB has separately proposed a fix for the TRID Rule’s “black hole” issue. The “black hole” occurs when a mortgage lender is unable to use the Closing Disclosure to reset fee tolerances because closing is delayed or rescheduled after the initial Closing Disclosure has been provided. The CFPB issued a proposal on August 11, 2017 regarding a fix for the “black hole,” and comments are due on October 10, 2017.
HMDA/Regulation C Amendments: The CFPB and FFIEC have published several updates to the HMDA/Regulation C reporting rules. Updates include new filing instructions and several clarifications finalized by the CFPB, such as a temporary increase in the threshold reporting HELOCs (from 100 to 500) for the 2018 and 2019 calendar years, and clarifications of several HDMA/Regulation C terms.
However, foremost for industry with regard to HMDA as the final quarter of the year approaches is compliance with the new data collection requirements of the amended HMDA rule. The rule, released on October 15, 2015, revises and in many ways expands the breadth and scope of HMDA data collection requirements—which includes the addition of roughly 25 new data fields and the modification of an additional 12 data fields. Per the rule, industry participants will need to start collecting the new data for credit decisions that will be made in January 2018, to prepare for the first reporting under the amended HMDA Rule. The 2018 data will need to be reported by March 2019.

Source :

RHS – Updates HB-1-3555

hington, D.C 20250 DATE July 7, 2017 PROCEDURE NOTICE RD MANUAL CHANGES INSERT RD INS 2018-G U.S. GOVERNMENT MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATOR’S (WSAL) INSTRUCTIONS. This Instruction is partially revised to clarify several issues. Each driver must now certify that they have a valid operator’s license. Form RD 2018-3 was developed for those employees that do not already have an AD-728 or Form RD 2018-1 on file. A log must be maintained for vehicle usage and a new request form. REMOVE INSERT Table of Contents; Table of Contents revised; All Pages. Pages 1 through 11 revised 07-07-17. RD HANDBOOK CHANGES INSERT RD HB-1-3555 SFH GUARANTEED LOAN PROGRAM TECHNICAL (WSAL) HANDBOOK. Chapter 16: Paragraphs 16.2, the power of attorney language was updated to clarify when it may be utilized;. Paragraph 16.11(C)(1), language regarding the maximum hazard insurance deductible was modified; Attachment 16-A, Reference to HUD-1 was updated to Closing Disclosure, link to the training resource library was updated and reference to Form RD 1980-18 was updated to Form RD 3555-18. REMOVE INSERT Table of Contents: Table of Contents: Pages 11 & 12; Pages 11 & 12 revised; Chapter 16 dated 03-09-16: Chapter 16 dated 03-09-16: Pages 16-1 & 16-2 and Pages 16-1 & 16-2 and 16-17 & 16-18; and 16-17 & 16-18; and Attachment 16-A. Attachment 16-A revised 07-07-17. (OVER) READ PROCEDURE – DISCUSS IN STAFF CONFERENCE – KEEP PROCEDURE MANUAL UP TO DATE Page 2 ISSUED: PN 501 July 7, 2017 FORM REPLACEMENT RD 2018-2 RURAL DEVELOPMENT VEHICLE ALLOCATION (WSAL) METHODOLOGHY (VAM) dated 06-17. Prescribed in RD Instruction 2018-G. The Form and FMI are revised to add a block for the Departmental approval. This Form and FMI are available on the Rural Development Instructions home page ( No paper copy distribution of this form will be made, and it will not be stocked in the warehouse. REMOVE INSERT FMI dated 08-21-13. FMI revised 07-07-17. RD 2018-3 REQUEST TO RESERVE/USE GSA MOTOR VEHICLE (WSAL) dated 06-17. Prescribed in RD Instruction 2018-G. The Form and FMI are revised to provide a method of tracking requests to use a GSA motor vehicle and provides a certification that the requester of a motor vehicles has a valid operator’s license. This Form and FMI are available on the Rural Development Instructions home page ( No paper copy distribution of this form will be made, and it will not be stocked in the warehouse. INSERT FMI revised 07-07-17. NO SPECIAL PROCEDURE NOTICE RELEASED. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTICES RELEASED: (See AN Checklist)



Freddie Mac – Announces Guide Bulletin 2017-10

SUBJECT: SELLING UPDATES This Guide Bulletin announces: Uniform Closing Dataset  Requirements for the delivery of the Uniform Closing Dataset through Loan Closing AdvisorSM – September 25, 2017 (New) Collateral representation and warranty relief expansion  Removal of the requirement that a Mortgage be submitted to Loan Product Advisor® to be eligible for collateral representation and warranty relief – August 4, 2017 Electronic Recording of paper and electronic closing and post-closing documents  Removal of the requirement that a Seller/Servicer retain a wet ink signed assignment of a Mortgage or a modification agreement when those paper documents are electronically recorded Selling System®  Requirements for third-party advisors, known as Secondary Market Advisors, to access the Selling System® to perform services for Sellers – July 31, 2017 (New)  Delivery requirements for low loan balance Mortgages – New  Pricing and contracting Guide terminology updates related to previously announced Selling System capabilities Additional Guide updates  Further updates as described in the Additional Guide Updates section of this Bulletin EFFECTIVE DATE All of the changes announced in this Bulletin are effective immediately unless otherwise noted. UNIFORM CLOSING DATASET Effective for Mortgages sold to Freddie Mac with Note Dates on and after September 25, 2017 When originally announced, the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) XML with the embedded closing disclosure PDF was to be required on all Mortgages sold to Freddie Mac with a Note Date on and after September 25, 2017. However, as communicated in our June 6, 2017 Single-Family News Center article, in response to Seller feedback regarding UCD adoption, the GSEs are offering a six-month relief period for embedding the closing disclosure PDF within the UCD XML file. Please refer to the UCD web page for more information. While Sellers must still submit the UCD XML file for Mortgages sold to Freddie Mac with Note Dates on and after September 25, 2017, they now have until at least April 2018 to deliver the XML file with the embedded PDF. Nonetheless, Sellers are encouraged to submit the UCD XML file with the embedded PDF starting on September 25, 2017 if they have the capability to do so. We will provide adequate notice to Sellers of the date when the delivery of the embedded PDF will be required. We have created new Guide Chapter 5801 to provide information and requirements related to the UCD and delivery through Loan Closing Advisor. TO: Freddie Mac Sellers July 12, 2017 | 2017-10 Page 2 Loan Closing Advisor is Freddie Mac’s electronic collection solution for the UCD that helps Sellers validate that their closing data aligns with the UCD. Loan Closing Advisor then assesses the data against the UCD specification, checking for the completeness, validity and accuracy of certain calculated values and consistency of the data. The submission of the UCD through Loan Closing Advisor is fulfilled when:  The transaction has received data quality feedback messages; and  The Loan Closing Advisor feedback certificate indicates that the UCD requirement has been satisfied To obtain access to Loan Closing Advisor, Sellers should contact their Freddie Mac Account Executive or visit the Loan Closing Advisor web page and click on the “Get Started” button to start the process. Guide impact: Guide Section 5801.1 COLLATERAL REPRESENTATION AND WARRANTY RELIEF EXPANSION Effective for appraisals submitted to the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® on and after August 4, 2017 In Bulletin 2017-3, we announced that a Mortgage must be submitted to Loan Product Advisor to be eligible for collateral representation and warranty relief. With this Bulletin, we are enhancing our offering by no longer requiring a submission to Loan Product Advisor. Therefore, eligibility will no longer be dependent on submission to Loan Product Advisor. Collateral representation and warranty relief status will continue to be communicated through the Uniform Collateral Data Portal®, Loan Collateral Advisor®, Selling System, Loan Coverage Advisor®, and when applicable, Loan Product Advisor and Loan Quality Advisor®. We are also updating our eligibility requirements to include that the Mortgage must have a loan-to-value (LTV)/total LTV (TLTV)/Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) TLTV (HTLTV) ratio less than or equal to 95% to obtain collateral representation and warranty relief. Guide impact: Section 5601.9 ELECTRONIC RECORDING OF PAPER AND ELECTRONIC CLOSING AND POSTCLOSING DOCUMENTS In Bulletin 2016-16 we announced that, for closing documents that are electronically recorded, Freddie Mac does not require Seller/Servicers to store paper copies. However, electronically recorded post-closing documents such as assignments of Mortgages, modification agreements, etc., were not explicitly referenced in Sections 1401.14 and 1401.15, which were revised as part of Bulletin 2016-16. Based on Seller/Servicer feedback, we are now specifying that a Seller/Servicer does not need to store the original wet ink-signed paper assignments of Mortgages or modification agreements when such documents are electronically recorded. Seller/Servicers may now store Electronic (as defined in Section 1401.2) copies of electronically-recorded paper assignments of Mortgages or paper modification agreements, etc., but must do so securely and ensure such Electronic copies contain all the recording information. We have also clarified storage and delivery requirements for paper and electronically created closing and postclosing documents that are electronically recorded, as follows:  Seller/Servicers may store such Electronic copies of such documents as long as the copies or other Recording Confirmations from the Recording Office contain all of the recording information  Seller/Servicers must still deliver to the Document Custodian or Designated Custodian, as applicable  The original wet-ink signed paper assignments of Mortgages, powers of attorney, modification agreements, etc., that have been electronically recorded, and  Paper copies of such electronically recorded documents or other Recording Confirmations from the Recording Office Revising these requirements will create operational efficiencies for Seller/Servicers by reducing some storage costs and making it easier to store and retrieve documents. In addition, it reduces the risk of lost documents.

After delivery of the Mortgage to Freddie Mac, a Servicer may only enter into paper modification agreements with original wet-ink signatures, except for Electronic modification agreements under the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP®). Servicers must comply with the requirements set forth in Section 9205.20 with respect to HAMP eModification Agreements, as defined in Section 9205.20. With respect to non-HAMP eModification Agreements, Servicers may store such documents electronically provided they deliver to the Document Custodian or Designated Custodian, as applicable, the original wet-ink signed paper modification agreement and paper copies of such electronically recorded documents. At this time, Servicers remain subject to the paper document retention requirements set forth in Chapters 3301 and 3302 for those documents that have not been electronically recorded. Guide impacts: Sections 1401.14, 1401.15, 2202.4, 6304.1, 6304.3 and 9206.17 SELLING SYSTEM Authorizing access to the Selling System for third-party advisors Effective July 31, 2017 More Sellers are utilizing the services of third-party advisors, now defined as Secondary Market Advisors (SMA), for assistance on secondary market activities. We have added requirements for Sellers that want an SMA to perform duties on their behalf in the Selling System. These new requirements include forms that both a Seller utilizing an SMA and an SMA must complete to provide the necessary authorizations and create a Selling Agent relationship between the Seller and the SMA. Section 2403.3 is being repurposed to outline the use of SMAs and Selling Agents. It previously contained requirements regarding separate written agreements between the Seller and Freddie Mac for entering the Selling System. This is being removed as the written agreements have now expired. Additionally, we have added new Glossary definitions for the terms Secondary Market Advisor and Selling Agent. For an SMA to become a Selling Agent and be authorized to act on behalf of the Seller, the following must occur:  The SMA must complete, sign and deliver to Freddie Mac new Guide Form 478, Secondary Market Advisor Selling Agent Agreement, and  The Seller that will be utilizing the SMA must complete, sign and deliver to Freddie Mac new Form 900SA, Selling System Agent Identification and Authorized User Role Form, for each authorized employee of the Selling Agent. A Seller that currently has an SMA performing services on its behalf in the Selling System under a services agreement and has an executed and approved “Selling System Price Sheet Analyst User ID Request Form” and/or Form 900 is not immediately required to execute a Form 900SA unless and until one of the conditions listed in Section 2403.3(f) applies. Guide impacts: Sections 2403.1, 2403.3 and 2403.11 and Forms 478 and 900SA and the Glossary Cash payups for Mortgages with low loan balances Effective June 26, 2017 Our June 14, 2017 Single-Family News Center article described how we simplified the process in the Selling System to receive cash payups for fixed-rate Mortgages with specific loan attributes, such as UPBs less than or equal to $175,000. In order to take advantage of these cash payups for each Mortgage, Sellers must deliver the ULDD Data Point Investor Feature Identifier (Sort ID 368) and enter the applicable valid value provided in new Section 6302.39 associated with the UPB of the Cash Specified Pool Type to which the Mortgage has been allocated. Guide impacts: Section 6302.39 and Guide Exhibit 34 Page 4 Pricing and contracting terminology updates Bulletin 2017-2 announced new Selling System functionality for Sellers to obtain their Guarantor and MultiLender pricing for Purchase Contracts. In support of those changes, we are updating Guide terminology to align with the Selling System’s new capabilities. We are replacing references in the Guide to “Master Commitment number” with “Pricing Identifier,” which we are adding as a Glossary term. “Pricing Identifier” is defined as a number (or such other designation that Freddie Mac may select) that identifies an agreement providing the terms under which Freddie Mac will purchase eligible Mortgages over a fixed period of time. In addition, we are updating the Glossary as follows:  Replacing the term “Master Commitment” with the term “Pricing Identifier Terms,” which is defined as terms associated with a Pricing Identifier under which the Seller may sell Mortgages to Freddie Mac  Replacing:  “Effective Date for Delivery” with “Pricing Identifier Effective Date”  “Master Commitment Amount” with “Commitment Amount”  “Required Delivery Date” with “Pricing Identifier Expiration Date”  Updating the definitions for “Master Agreement,” “Minimum Contract Servicing Spread,” “Purchase Contract” and “Purchase Documents”  Removing the term “Maximum Master Agreement Amount” as it is no longer relevant All applicable Guide references have been updated to reflect these terminology changes. Pursuant to Section 1501.2, provisions, including terms of business in Master Agreements and/or Master Commitments and other Purchase Documents, are hereby amended such that all references to previously-defined terms are deemed to be references to the revised Glossary terms noted above. Sections 1501.1 and 1501.2 have been revised to reflect updates to Master Agreements and other Purchase Contracts. Loan Product Advisor feedback messages have been updated to reflect these changes. Guide impacts: Sections 1501.1, 1501.2, 1501.4, 1501.5, 1501.6, 1501.7, 1501.8, 5203.2, 6201.1, 6201.2, 6201.15, 6202.3, 6203.4, 6203.5, 6204.4, 6204.5, 6205.4, 6205.5, 6302.3, 6302.4, 6401.1, and 6401.2, Exhibits 6, 28 and 28A, Form 900 and the Glossary ADDITIONAL GUIDE UPDATES Concurrent Transfers of Servicing Seller/Servicers are encouraged to implement the below changes immediately, but must do so no later than October 9, 2017. In response to Seller/Servicer feedback for processing Concurrent Transfer of Servicing requests, we are clarifying:  Responsibilities between the Seller, the Servicer and the Servicer’s Document Custodian  When certification of the Notes must be performed As a result, we are updating the Glossary as follows:  Deleting the term “Transferor Seller”  Revising the term “Concurrent Transfer of Servicing” as follows: Page 5 A Transfer of Servicing initiated by a Seller to a Servicer that occurs, subject to prior Freddie Mac approval, concurrently with Freddie Mac’s purchase of a Mortgage on the Settlement Date: for the sake of convenience, the Seller may be referred to as the “Transferor Servicer” and the Servicer may be referred to as the “Transferee Servicer.” In each instance, the Mortgage is delivered for certification to the Servicer’s Document Custodian. Guide impacts: Sections 6301.6 and 7101.9, Form 960 and the Glossary Exhibit 13 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has revised the Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form, FEMA Form 086-0-32, Freddie Mac Exhibit 13, and extended the expiration date to October 31, 2018. Use of the new form is recommended; however, the previous form with the expiration date May 30, 2015 continues to be acceptable. Guide impacts: Section 8202.3 and Exhibit 13 GUIDE UPDATES SPREADSHEET For a detailed list of the Guide updates associated with this Bulletin and the topics with which they correspond, refer to the Bulletin 2017-10 (Selling) Guide Updates Spreadsheet available at CONCLUSION If you have any questions about the changes announced in this Bulletin, please contact your Freddie Mac representative or call Customer Support Contact Center at (800) FREDDIE. Sincerely, Christina K. Boyle Senior Vice President Single-Family Sales and Relationship Management


Fannie Mae – Updates to Servicing Guide

Servicing Guide Announcement SVC-2017-06 July 12, 2017 Servicing Guide Updates The Servicing Guide has been updated to include changes related to Property Inspection and Preservation Updates. These policy changes also apply to Home Keeper® loans but are not applicable to Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) loans. The affected topics for these policy changes are included below. Servicers should review the Servicing Guide and the Property Preservation Matrix and Reference Guide to gain a full understanding of the changes. Property Inspection and Preservation Updates In response to industry feedback and in an effort to better serve our customers, we are  updating the Property Preservation Matrix and Reference Guide to provide servicers with more specific and detailed procedures for preserving and completing inspections for properties that secure delinquent mortgage loans;  restructuring Servicing Guide D2-2-10, Requirements for Performing Property Inspections, to clarify requirements for ordering and completing inspections for properties that secure mortgage loans that are in default; and  making the process easier for completing maintenance work by adding or updating reimbursement limits in Servicing Guide F-1-06, Expense Reimbursement, for the following:  moisture control,  address discoloration,  roof cleaning,  repair/replace fascia,  repair/replace soffits,  emergency pump water,  plumbing services,  utility service – initial service and per month,  code violations for fines/fees/liens,  cleaning toilet – life of loan maximum expense limit added,  repair/replace fence gate/lania,  repair/replace exterior door, and  repair/replace exterior door jamb. Additionally, Servicing Guide E-3.3-03, Inspecting Properties Prior to Foreclosure Sale, has been updated to change the number of days to complete an inspection from 30 to 35 days prior to the foreclosure sale. Additional Servicing Guide Topics Impacted References to the revised Property Preservation Matrix and Reference Guide were added to the following topics:  A2-1-01, General Servicer Duties and Responsibilities  D1-6-02, Handling Notices of Liens, Legal Action, Other Actions Impacting Fannie Mae’s Interest  D2-2-10, Requirements for Performing Property Inspections  D2-3.3-01, Fannie Mae Short Sale  D2-3.3-02, Fannie Mae Mortgage Release (Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure)  E-1.2-02, Timing of the Foreclosure Referral for Mortgage Loans Generally  E-3.2-12, Performing Property Preservation During Foreclosure Proceedings © 2017 Fannie Mae. Trademarks of Fannie Mae. SVC-2017-06 2 of 2  E-3.3-03, Inspecting Properties Prior to Foreclosure Sale  E-3.5-02, Handling Third-Party Sales  F-1-06, Expense Reimbursement  F-1-09, Managing Foreclosure Proceedings Effective Date Policy changes must be implemented by October 1, 2017. However, servicers are encouraged to implement the updated expense limits and guidelines for these policy changes as of the date of this Announcement. ***** Contact your Customer Delivery Team, Portfolio Manager, or Fannie Mae’s Single-Family Servicer Support Center at 1- 800-2FANNIE (1-800-232-6643) with any questions regarding this Announcement. Carlos T. Perez Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer for Single-Family


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